Friday, August 27, 2010

Summer Concert

Hello Toons. Big Kahuna is having a Summer concert on Saturday! Take a look and see the previews of the party.

You can see this at the Mall Deck:

And this is now what Platy - Park looks like now:

Now, here is the concert information:

Day: August 28th

Time: 3pm Pacific (6pm Est)

Server/Place: Milky Way server and at Platy Park

ToonsTunes Prank Call

Hi guys, my friend made this HILARIOUS prank call to ToonsTunes. It's so funny look.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Bye Beta

Hello guys! Sorry for not posting. I've been busy! Anyways, good new ToonsTunes is now out of Beta! There was even a party. Here is a video token by Tardis.

It was awesome! And who ever signed up during Beta received a Beta hat!